Today I am aware of so many people who are dealing with physical health problems... So many friends who have shared what is going on with them enduring illness, questions, concerns, and more tests. Actually, right now I have friend who is, at this very moment, in surgery to remove a tumor in his brain.
I am praying. I will continue to keep praying.
I sat with the Lord yesterday and He wrote this to me... It has been a Great Comfort!
"My dear girl... I am here! Don't you see--I have given ALL to you! Rest in me this day. Believe I have the very Best for you on this day and ALL days! I am soooo deeply in love with you and I am proud of you... Love me-- and sweet girl TRUST me more today! I have good. I want good. I know you! I love you! HEAR THAT TODAY... Utter Love for YOU!!!"
Today I will believe this about all my friends dealing with illness. God has given us ALL. God IS giving us all!
Illness is scary. Illness is huge amounts of uncertainty! It is worse case scenarios, mixed with anxiety, and immense fear when there are not answers.
Strength is fleeting when hard news comes.
Deep breaths, and statements about waiting.
WHAT I BELIEVE today, and what I am praying...
God is holding us.
God is FOR us.
God is dearly loving us!
I know that does not take physical pain away, but what I do know is that our God wants to free us from the anxiety and fear that comes with uncertainty!
Today, in all ways, lets call out to Him and watch God rescue us from ALL that makes us fearful! Lets nestle into the chest of our Savior, and continue to pray boldly for physical healing from our Great Physician!!!
My 240!!! Justin is on the right holding sweet Dom Dom!!! Please pray for Justin, Krista, and their two Boys Dominic and Xavier!
"When I needed the Lord, I looked for Him;
I called out to Him, and He heard me and responded.
He came and rescued me from everything that made me so afraid." Psalm 34:4
I will look for Him with GREAT hope! He is here. He will RESCUE us from fear!!!