My new job takes me on many adventures, and I will say the travel has been incredibly joy-filled in this new season. That's why I have not written much this month... it has been a busy time of travel, and being gone is a new rhythm for me to tackle. I am learning, and I am absolutely loving it.
Very simply on this Friday... I am BACK... well for the next week!!! Haha, and here is...
The Five Things I Know Friday... Traveling!
1. I pack WAY more than I ever end up needing. Seriously, like WAY more! I don't know why, I panic when I think about only bringing one coat. I need my slippers... hotel carpets are so weird. What if someone asks me to do yoga? Or if I am asked to a hipster bash where we all have to wear flannel... What if!? However, one breakthrough, I am perfecting the airport outfit. The perfect combination of comfort, but still the elegance of not knowing WHO you might run into! Like the one time I saw Evander Holyfield in the Boise Airport... YES, I had to Google who he was when people started taking pictures of him, but STILL!
2. I am a nervous flyer... Yes, Turbulence, dings, the seatbelt sign, the Captain's voice, not being able to throw my trash away when I want... any these things will make me uneasy. My heart races, and I want to squeeze my neighbor's hand. Then I eat more Biscoff Cookies... Haha, and do some deep breathing exercises. I have found reading a funny book helps... Mindy Kaling, THANK You! BUT I like that even though I am nervous it has not stopped me. It makes me feel brave, in a small way, but brave nonetheless.
3. There is joy in the journey. I like the security line, the terminal, how easy the seat belts are to buckle, but they still want to show you how to use them. People stop to ask about my hair, sharing faith and life with new people, finding Vegan Cookies, or with TSA workers learning an extra "Thank You" goes a long way! Even when they have to wand your hair because it is so big. There is joy in sitting next to strangers... OR in a row by yourself!!! There is joy in this journey, and with eyes open, ready for what God has... I have loved the journey! I wait to see where God is, what He has, and what we will be doing together. I love that about the journey.
Row to myself... Woo Hoo!!!
4. I will forever be mad at the Rental Car places that think I don't know what I am doing. Seriously, fill up the tank for me? Buy more insurance? A GPS??? I know there is a way you make more money in this... I just can't figure out what it is! Lets just be honest with one another... Come on... We will both feel better.
5. I always miss home! I like this the best. I love where I am when I am there. Practicing being fully present. I celebrate new places, familiar faces, new friends, different neighborhoods, adventures, my job, but home. Home is where my heart can rest again in knowing where Trader Joes is located, my favorite Starbucks, my friends and fam jam, and I can see the Snuggle Boo Bear Boys. I like home. I love home. I like this best of all about travel. God has shown me the home I share, the place I live... it is best of all. It is where I come to rest before I pack again. Routine, walks, the Target I know the lay out to, how to work my coffee pot... all parts of home I treasure.
That is something to celebrate this Friday afternoon... that we would be content at the place He gives us to rest and return to Him... the sweetness of home and the wonder of all things familiar!!! There is goodness found here.