"Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
For the Lord is the great God,
the great King above all gods."
Psalm 95:2-3
Yesterday my dad brought me breakfast... Totally surprised me. Yesterday a man came to clean the furnace to make sure we were ready for winter's Polar Vortex x 100. Yesterday I worked from home with two puppers I love, and enjoyed coffee Audry made for us. Yesterday I went to work at my friends restaurant to make some extra cash, which is a huge GIFT during this time of year! Yesterday I went to my forever friend's house and talked about things that are real. Yesterday I went home to a house I love, with people who make it even sweeter!!!
And those were only parts of my day.
My Dad brought me coffee and oatmeal! Sweetest man!!! PS Don't mind the mess behind it... We are decorating for Christmas this week... YOU will hear LOTS about this in the month of December!!!
My yesterday was full of moments... Moments that could seem simple and ordinary, but moments filled with goodness and gratitude. I know this is pretty cheesy being the day before Thanksgiving, but I can't help to take a moment and say how GOOD and GREAT our God is! How Thankful I am in these moments that make up my life!!!
TRULY... this has been the most wonderful, life giving seasons for me. In fact, I was meeting with my Spiritual Director Clare... Who easily is one of the most wonderful people I have the honor of knowing!!! Spiritual Direction is different than counseling. When you meet with a Spiritual Direction they really listen to the rhythm of the Holy Spirit in your life! As we met in October I cried the whole hour, which if you know me is not surprising (the Lord has made me incredibly sensitive)! As we talked I told her how THANKFUL I was for this season of life. We talked about the woman that wept at Jesus' feet... how her heart was so overwhelmed by the Glory of our God all she could do is weep in the presence of her Savior.
And so that is what I have done for the past few months... simply wept!
Now are all things perfect... CLEARLY No, but my goodness are things GOOD... Again and AGAIN I could scream AMEN! I watch how my heart sees the blessings of each day unfold right before me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the thing... I want to be marked, etched, molded with this season of my life! I know there will be difficult things to come, but I can't wait to see who I am at the end of it. I know that things will move and flow, there will be good and bad, but I want my moments to etched with the Lord. Marked with His Favor, His Glory, His Gifts, and His Goodness! Even in the sorrows and heartache of life, I want to remember all God has done for us, and through us!
I have experienced deep gratitude in the moments that make up life... Moments that are made and shaped by experiences and people. There are SOOOO many people in my life that are FOR me... FOR what God is doing... Cheering me on EVERY SINGLE step I take! IF I sit back and think of HOW MANY PEOPLE are WITH ME I will cry again! I am amazed as God has provided a team, an army of people who stand with me. From dear friendships, roommates, blogging helpers, financial overlords, bosses, Capernaum leaders and buddies, neighbors, sisters, brothers, teachers, co-workers, and my fabulous family near and far! An army of people who have continued to whisper encouragement to me in different ways, but each voice is saying WHAT IS TRUE, What is ROOTED in Love, and WHAT is worth Celebrating and STICKING to!!!
It is with this army of people my heart is turned to Gratitude! There is Boundless Goodness to life, and I want to live in that spirit!
Today I want to see EACH person, place, and thing with eyes of GRATITUDE! With a thankful spirit that sees where God is leading!!!
I am looking with a heart that YEARNS for God to Show UP bigger than I can imagine, and at each corner I wait expectantly before God to CRY OUT THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!
And with that I have started a Gratitude Jar... (Yep, thank you Andrew Shuffett!!!) Andrew tagged me in this post on Facebook explaining the Gratitude Jar! I can't WAIT to fill this thing with an attitude of gratitude! Soooo this next year I will write ALL the things I am grateful for down and next Thanksgiving I will open this Jar!
Want to JOIN me... soooo far it is SOOOOO FUN!!!!
Cheers to the Boundless Goodness our God Gives!!! Happy Thanksgiving to YOU and your Family!!!