"The most Sacred Invitation is the People God Sent Her..." Glennon Melton
(Heard her speak at Storyline... We will talk about that on Friday!)
I like invitations! I had 3 Weddings in 3 Weeks… Yes, October 3rd, 10th, and 17th… Yes, all Friday Nights… Yes, ALL in the month of October!!! I was a bridesmaid in two and officiated one! Wedding Invitations are spectacular... So intricate and so many details on SUCH a tiny card!
It was VERY busy... 3 Weeks of dresses, makeup, nails, toasts, delicious food, and Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off". 3 Weeks of Family and Friends I simply could not get enough of spending valuable time with. When I would tell people I had 3 Weddings in 3 Weeks they usually say... "Wow, how expensive!!!" Yes, a busy and an EXPENSIVE 3 Weeks!!!
BUT I wouldn’t trade it… I wouldn’t trade watching people I LOVE fall deeper into love with each other, and make commitments for life!!! For a life you can't predict, for a life journey where you are able to say to one another... "We are IN this!" We are in this when it is wonderful, painful, hard, easy, breaking, and celebrating... We are In THIS!!! The Vow to be IN This Together.
I am not married, but after celebrating LOVE for three weeks straight... (AND I have one more WONDERFUL wedding this weekend!!!) I have realized a few things over my Wedding Palooza time...
1. I LOVE to dance!!! All songs... My feet hurt the next day, but the good hurt that says, "Goodness I LOVE dancing!"
2. I LOVE free glasses of wine!!! Yep, red and white.
3. I WILL cry... ALWAYS... YES, ALWAYS when the bride walks down the aisle!
4. Being part of someone's day is Special... It's an honor to stand beside them and witness vows to a LIFE together!!! It's an honor to KNOW someone, to pray for their marriage, and to be invested in their future... IT IS an honor to stand to speak to sit... To witness what God gives to us in the bond of marriage!
5. We all have OUR People!!!
Jon and Sara... Both with No H!!! A great honor to officiate their wedding!
We all have people. We all HAVE OUR people. I think it is strangely comforting to continue to say that statement... there is the funny one who adds humor to every troubling situation (like when your wedding rings are safe in your hotel room and not at your wedding ceremony)! There is the problem solver, and the quiet one who lets those around him or her shine… There is a truth teller, the friend to ALL, and the one who has so many sides it is fascinating to know them more as their adventure continues! The one who challenges you, and the one with a courage you admire (that also scares you at times)! The ones you can sit for hours watching tv, laughing, talking, and feeling known, and the ones who ask pointed questions to KNOW you more!
We ALL have Our People!
My Beautiful Friend Katie on Her Wedding Day!!!
As I traveled in October it was a quiet whisper, God gives us each other... It is His blessing, and His design. Really, the God of the Universe wants us to journey together... I think it is the way He makes us better, learning to serve one another, adding to what IS and what CAN BE!!! Seeing all of His glory in His creation, His people, HIS Tov Meod!!! It is the Lord's invitation to be WITH Him, and to see more of Him here on Earth! We don't have to make journey home alone. This IS God's GREAT design!
We have people… We have people by the grace of God!
And as I reflect on my people, they all say, "WE are IN This!!!"
No matter what stage of life you are in... single, married, divorced, widowed... Who are the people that say to you, "WE are IN This"??? That vow to stand next to you, to whisper WHO you are, and remind you on the days that seem darker than others what is True! Who are the ones that remind you to keep showing up JUST as you are???
Tell them today... We don't do that enough.
I love MY people!!! They are a sacred invitation to journey together, and I vow to be IN this with them!!!