The ONLY downside to travel is that I always leave TWO VERY important Doodle Dogs BEHIND!!! Mason and Milo TOGETHER weigh about 160 pounds so they usually can’t go anywhere WITH me… It’s like taking TWO mini horses along! BUT I always take a picture of them before I go... YES, that is a little known fact about me! My phone is FILLED with pictures JUST like the one above! Their sweet faces and me... Well, me walking out the door!!!
When I return home… I know walking up the driveway I can hear Mason first. He uses this very specific Cry-Bark when I return, and then I see Milo, who holds Mason's tail while they RUN around the house! Yes, Milo holds on to Mason’s tail! He does it everywhere, the groomer, the vet, our backyard, and at the dog park… They are REALLY funny Doodle Brothers!!!
And if you know me even a LITTLE... You know I LOVE these goofy, BIG, hilarious, doodle dogs!
I mentioned Mason’s foot pad fell off of one of his toes… See ever since Mason was a baby he was an “Old Man Dog”! He has a sensitive heart and an old soul… Watching Mason I wish he would whimper, limp, or bark in pain… Mason does NONE of these things!!! In fact, the only REAL reason I knew he was hurting was when I saw him licking his paw… HE NEVER licks his paws... TaDA... DOG Mom to the RESCUE!!!
I had returned home from a trip, and I saw him paying extra attention to his back foot. I lifted up his foot and saw it was swollen… and I will SPARE you all of the gaaarrrooosss details, but I knew based on the exposed skin, and bleeding from one of his toes, (YES, dogs have toes) something was not quite right... Soooo I moved into Dog Mom Mode!!!
We poured Hydrogen Peroxide on it... Yes, it Stung AND he did NOT like it!!! I bandaged his foot (YES, I bandaged it... Practically a DOG Doctor I AM!!!), and then took him to the Vet in the morning. AND of course, WHILE crying, I asked the vet about 4 times if she thought he was dying… (Yes, when Mason leaves this Earth it will be WORSE than "Marley & Me", so I simply need to be prepared and ask that probably WAY too much!!!)
Mason needed more help than licking his paw for it to properly heal, and as of right now he is not allowed to be out on walks with Milo and I... It is horrible leaving the house without him and hearing him CRY as we walk away!!!
BUT that got me to thinking… What wounds am I pretending will heal??? What parts of me are raw, exposed, and in need of aid! What parts of my life do I think simply managing on my own, by myself will change, will go away, will be something of the past? I want to continue to grow and heal... I desire EACH day to be MORE WHOLE... More of the ME God has intended!!!
But what actually brings healing to the deepest parts of us? I think I used to be more like Mason, trying to heal myself by licking my own wounds.
Every example I see of Jesus, He is interacting with those that are hurting... Afraid, Unsure, Unsettled, and in Pain! His interactions are full of truth and grace.
Over the last two years I think God has been restoring and healing parts of me He needed to make different... He needed to change... He wanted to have me SURRENDER to HIM.
These are 3 Simple Truths I have found to make a WHOLE and more HEALED Person!!!
- Talk to Someone YOU Trust—I cannot tell you what a gift it has been to seek out several people in my life who are MUCH wiser than me to direct me, pray for me, and help me navigate the desperate moments of life, and the joyful ones! TALK to someone… A third party person who has no stake in the game! Who wants you to be AUTHENTIC and be YOU! These folks for me are TRUSTED, Respected, and LOVE Jesus! They point me to Jesus, Back to the TRUE Me, and THEN Back to Jesus again!!! I have found incredible healing by being challenged and encouraged by TRUSTED people! For me these people have been Counselors, Spiritual Directors, and Mentors. All people I respect and deeply look up to in faith and character! Ask at church, or trusted older friends in your life, to direct you to someone that might be able to get you in touch with a person like this!
- Be honest about what YOU Need— Don’t apologize for the boundaries in life that help you be healthy. I am lame, I go to bed early, and I love the mornings. It helps me… I need time alone, and time with people. That helps me be authentic... Now, I am not saying I can’t stay up late EVERY ONCE in awhile, but I plan, I prepare, and I know in advance when those are going to be. It helps me. I know my needs and my limits, and it's a constant process of fine tuning to find proper balance in both. YOU might be different about what you need, but whether you think it is simple or complex, don’t be ashamed or afraid to own WHO you are in the presence of others… DO WHAT You Need and Say what You Need!!! Be AUTHENTICALLY You!
- Our God is the GREAT Healer— There is a song I LOVE right now from the Transforming Community, and I continue to sing any chance I get… "He is Able". See, our God is ABLE in the midst of pain, confusion, bandages, and experiences that hurt us, to SEE US and TRANSFORM US!!! Our God is ABLE To do more than we could EVER ask or Imagine!!! {EPH 3:20} TELL GOD what part of your life YOU need healing from, be BOLD in asking Him to transform you! He is ABLE to meet us in those places! Surrender to God the deepest parts of YOU, and watch HIM move in your heart and in your life. He CAN and WILL do that! Continue to seek God FULLY and honestly... Ask God to bring LIFE into the places that are dead, raw, exposed, and wounded! Our God is FOR us... YOU, my friends, are not alone!
Healing is part of living, but never stop sharing, being You, and asking God to come into the places that HURT the most!!!
We CAN trust our God… Even if it stings a little!!!