I wrote this on the airplane yesterday as a way of explaining, in very short, the last eight weeks of my life. And while it is not perfect, it is the sweetest way I know of explaining ALL God has done, and all that I have experienced!!! Broken Sentences, mere words... I know I will write more about what I am deeply humbled and honored to do, I will write more about the story I lived this summer, the blessing to watch the God of the Universe WORK here on Earth. Today, I have a snapshot into what my last 8 weeks were at Timber Wolf Lake and my time in Virginia!!! Thank you for praying, Thank you for reading, Thank you for being in this WITH me!!!
The Night that never ends... My Favorite!!!
I have been gone for 8 Weeks. 2nd Session at Timber Wolf Lake, on the Program Team, and 3rd Session Speaking at TWL, and one week with my YL75 Team in Virginia!!!
I have missed my bed, my friends, my family, my Snugglebears… aka Doodle Dogs (except when they were with me 3rd Session--THANK You Pizzogue!!!)!
I have texted my friend JJ to ask how my flowers were doing more than 10 times… I LOVE my flowers at home!
I have not made a meal in 8 Weeks! That is CRAZY!
Most mornings I woke up at 6:00am.
Most nights my head hit the pillow at 11:58pm.
I made new lifelong friends. Dearest Ones, Besties, People who get the very simple me.
Laughed more than I thought was humanly possible with strangers and friends.
Cried in the very depths of my aching, broken soul with adoration and fear… both to God and to others!
Wished I was different, confronted insecurity, doubt, and wounds.
Celebrated joyfully, delighted in authenticity, and embraced TRUTH!
To Live Forever with nothing missing, nothing broken.
It went quickly, and at the same time feels like forever ago.
I ate more french fries than I will admit, but loved EVERY single one.
I lived in a thin place… where the edges of Heaven touch the Earth.
Where what is focused on is REAL life.
Life to the full. John 10:10!!!
Tov Meod... the Best of the Best of the Very, Very Best!!!
It was simple.
It was me.
It was an honor.
My Team 2nd Session... These Faces are some of my FAVORITES!!!
Mission lived in community.
The desire to serve and to love.
That HIS Name would be lifted high.
Not empty, not tired, but Fulfilled Fatigue!
Somedays were easy.
Other days I messed it up... Okay, most days I messed it up.
Leaned into Jesus for Grace.
For His Mercy.
Was quick to apologize, pray, and love harder the next time.
That His MIGHTY Name would be Glorified above ALL!
And through all of these moments both big and small… I have found Freedom this summer.
After watching hundreds of my new high school and middle school friends step from death to life I know more than ever... There is a freedom.
I am being offered Freedom. WE are given Freedom.
God is extending His hand of Freedom.
My goodness, how lovingly that Freedom is given by our Good God.
I don’t know exactly what it all means today as I type this, but I know it. I sense it. I can see it.
I am walking home different.
Freedom is meeting me.
Greeting me, as I walk back.
Thank you Timber Wolf, Thank You Friends, Thank You Jesus!!!
Bless His Holy Name, He IS able.
I will never be the same!!!
Night One, Week 2 of 3rd Session!!! God showed up and showed off as I shared about Creation inside... We are the BEST of the Best!!!
"But there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He'll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him. My dear, dear friends! I love you so much. I do want the very best for you. You make me feel such joy, fill me with such pride. Don’t waver. Stay on track, steady in God." Philippians 3:20-4:1
The YL75 Program Team... I have learned more about myself, and what it means to trust from these Marvelous Men!!!